Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
Hip Motions offers classes in and around Melbourne, FL. See all of our different locations please visit our classes page.
How many classes do you offer and when?
Please see our classes and calendar page to see all we have to offer.
I've never Belly Dance Before where do I start?
No prior dance experience of any kind is required to join classes. When you first begin, we welcome students to start in Intro to Belly Dance. Please see our classes page for the schedule and description.
If you have taken belly dancing before, we recommend you meet with an instructor for a consultation so we can advise you as to which level class you should join.
How do I register?
Each one of our instructors is independent and each class, dependent on location, has different cadence and offer various forms of payment. Please visit our classes and calendar page for more information on payment and schedule.
What tools am I given to compliment my class?
Hip Motions uses Google Classroom to give students everything needed from notes to music to videos. In order to receive this information you must have a Google account. To sign up for a Google Account please click here.
What do I wear and bring to a Belly Dance Class? Do I have to show my Belly?
We want you to be comfortable which means wear something that you can easily move in. Yoga or workout pants, sports bra, fitted tank top, or fitted t-shirt are best. Showing your belly is NOT required. Wearing a fitted shirt allows your instructor to observe your movement clearly.
Bare feet, dance shoes such as jazz shoes, ballet slippers, foot undies, or socks are all acceptable foot attire, no street shoes as they don't allow you to move in the necessary ways for belly dance. Our floors are typically hard in the form of tile or hardwood.
Hip scarves are encouraged but not required. Please purchase a hop scarf that doesn't make noise if you would like to buy one yourself. Hipscarfs with noise, coins, are distracting in class.
Zills/Finger Cymbals will be occasionally required for students and any specialty class where finger cymbals are a focal point of the class. Finger cymbals can be purchased through the instructor or online.
Other props such as Veils or swords may be required for some of the specialty classes but students will be educated ahead of time for such requirements. Our instructors often bring extra when these things are required so the purchase is not necessary.
Some of the classes can be rigorous so water is encouraged.
Are there any limitations I should know about?
There are none!!!! All shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicity, and genders are welcome!!! Belly Dance is celebrated by everyone and since it is very gentle on the body can be done at any age or ability.
Starting a Belly Dance class is like starting any other program of physical activity; check with your physician first! People who should definitely talk to the doctor are people with back and joint problems; obesity; pregnancy and, of course, people who haven't exercised for a LOOONG time.
If you have a disability that would require special accommodations contact the instructor before class so that they can be made.
Unlike a lot of dance classes, there isn't an age cap on starting a Belly Dance class. Some instructors will take children through senior citizens. The majority of Belly Dance enthusiasts are females between the ages of 20 - 55, but there is definitely some room for variation in this population.
The minimum age for our classes is currently 18, with possible exceptions in special cases (16 w/parental consent).
What happens if I miss a class?
No need to worry, our instructors always review each week’s previous class content. If missing a class is known in advance please notify your instructor. We offer many different times and locations and often you can make up a class. We occasionally offer makeup classes at a small additional cost. Any missed classes are not refundable.
What is a typical Belly Dance Class like?
The class usually begins with some slow stretches and warm-ups, followed by basic isolations, combinations, and movement steps are added eventually. Each class offers different subjects. The classes are very informal and questions are encouraged. Please see our classes page and calendar to see what offerings are available!
What are the benefits of Belly dance?
There are many benefits to Belly dancing that motivate students to dance. Increase in self-confidence, meeting people and making new friends, Belly dancing is great exercise, you will lose weight and gain muscle, acquire more grace and poise, overcome shyness, relieve stress, it's a great form of entertainment, relaxation, cultural interests, more fun and enjoyment out of social life, belong to a group with similar interests and purpose and it can increase your dance-confidence, not just in belly dance, but all forms of dance.
Is Belly Dance hard to learn?
No Belly dance is not hard to learn, neither is an art form that is just "picked up" with a couple of classes. With any dance style, the student must practice and participate in classes. No one will become a master at anything only doing it an hour a week!
Proper execution of isolations is required before students start combinations and choreography. Belly dance isolations mimic basic range of motions movements of joints--something we are all capable of performing.
What if I am a regular student and I am not receiving emails?
Hip Motions newsletter can be easily signed up at this link. Also make sure our email address hipmotionsdance@gmail.com is added to your white list to prevent our emails ending up in the SPAM or Promotional folders. Click here for a guide on many email formats on how to accomplish this.
What language are classes taught in?
Primary instructors are English-speaking.
Can I take Belly Dance Classes if I am pregnant?
Please, check with your OB/GYN first before starting a Belly Dance class. With physician approval, there shouldn't be any reason why you couldn't take a Belly Dance class as part of a pre-natal fitness program. (Where do you think "Lamaze" originated?)
If you do start (or continue!) dancing, DO take it easy while you enjoy the benefit of a good abdominal workout! By adding Belly Dance to a pre-natal fitness regimen, you'll be the envy of your Lamaze class come delivery time!
Can I observe a class before I sign up for a course?
No, we do not offer any observations as it is disrupting to the class. Most of our classes are offered in 1 month sessions so it is not a large investment to try it out for a month. We offer occasional open houses and intro classes around the area. Please see our calendar for these opportunities.
Can I bring my child(ren) with me?
We would love to have a separate room with a hired caretaker and the appropriate insurance so you could bring your child(ren). However, as we don't have either, we refer to the above: no observers and no one under the age of 16 is allowed in the studio during class time.
If I join a class, will I have to perform in front of people?
No, our students are not required to participate in shows or perform in front of an audience. Also, we do not allow spectators or visitors in the studio, not even for "waiting to pick up someone". If you come to class for exercise and companionship that is perfectly fine. If you do want to perform though, we do provide ample opportunity to do so! It is completely your choice.