Class Expectations & Etiquette
Please Read Carefully and Sign Below
Our Commitment to You
Legit, Approachable, & Available Instructors
Our instructors are professional belly dancers with many years of experience. They know anatomy hold certifications in some cases and teach body movement correctly. They are approachable and available for questions inside and outside the classroom.
Clean, Safe, & Professional Dance Space
All classes held by Hip Motions will be held in a clean, safe space where the floor is dancer friendly and mirrors are preferred but not always available. The music will be provided by the instructor with ample sound amplification where the instructor can be clearly seen and heard. Our spaces also have ample room for you to have your own space to dance.
Clear Communication
Hip Motions will provide clear communication of not only the obvious instruction and related class information but of local area belly dance-related events as well as expectations for performance such as rehearsal requirements.
Our Hip Motions Team is extremely organized and is committed to providing everything you need for class and fostering questions as they arise.
Welcoming Environment
Hip Motions is committed to providing a welcoming environment to everyone.
Punctual Classes
All Hip Motions Classes and Events will be held on time.
Tools & Support for Success and Progression
There are many learning tools available nowadays, that combined with different learning styles we are committed to providing you everything you need to succeed from class notes, music and complimentary videos to shopping, various levels & specialty classes, and research resource ideas.
Performance Opportunities
Performing is not required to take class, however, for those that desire to perform there are a plethora of opportunities to do so. Hip Motions is committed to putting quality performances on stage and will communicate the requirements for each available performance.
Your Commitment to Us
Arrive on time.
Arriving late to class is disruptive to the other students, the teacher, and can set up the potential for injury if you do not have enough time to properly warm-up. If for some reason you must be late, contact the instructor beforehand to get approval.
No kids or other observers allowed in class.
Kids older than 16 are allowed to register with parental consent but any other kids or observers are not allowed in class.
Message us if absent or late.
We understand that emergencies happen, please be respectful of our instructor’s time and message us if you will be absent or late. They have multiple opportunities or contact, cell phones, email, FB messenger, or a friend that may be in class.
Have a good attitude.
Energy begets energy, and for a lot of students, this is their one hour a week that they get to leave the house and do something fun for themselves. It can be frustrating when we don’t get something on which we’ve been working, but remember, if it were easy, everyone would do it.
We all have our own challenges—every last one of us—and learning how to manage them properly will help you on the dance floor, as well as in life.
Turn off your cell phones.
‘Nuff said. And no recording of classes is allowed.
Try not to leave the dance floor for the duration of class.
If an emergency arises, leave discreetly. If taking an instructor prompted water break make sure to be in the area for when class starts again.
Do not talk when the teacher is speaking & teaching.
You might think you are being quiet, but if you’re talking, you’re likely not as quiet as you think you are. If you have a question for the teacher, wait for the right moment, and raise your hand. Make sure it is a question that you cannot figure out on your own. Do not talk, joke or whisper to classmates while the instructor is talking / teaching.
Do not correct other students.
That is the teacher’s responsibility.
Be respectful.
Respect each other’s personal space. Whoever got there first, gets it. Please don’t obstruct another student’s view of themselves in the mirror or the instructors. Disrespect comes in many forms.
Do not correct the teacher.
If the teacher has made a mistake (which is bound to happen) and it is causing confusion in the class, it is fine to politely ask for clarification. If you have a difference of opinion or philosophical perspective, it is best to save it for after class. Give the teacher the courtesy of judging for themselves whether it is something that should be shared with everyone else. Sarcasm and disrespectful behavior of any kind have no place in the classroom. If you feel you need to act in this manner, you need to leave the class.
Take correction well.
If a teacher corrects you, congratulations! That means they are invested in your development. Perfection is a myth, so don’t let your ego get in the way of your progress. If you hear a correction being given to another student, pay attention! There is a good chance it applies to you as well!
You go to dance class to learn, but you’ll make your progress when you practice outside of class. Make sure to do all homework, and work on any combinations/choreography, so that upon returning to class, you can spend the majority of your time learning new material instead of spending that time on review. You will not learn to dance in one hour a week! Practice makes permanence not perfection.
Wear appropriate attire and mind your hygiene.
Proper attire will vary from class to class, but as a general rule, you are training, not performing. Wear something you can get sweaty in and move comfortably in. Keep your jewelry to a minimum; it can be noisy and catch on clothing. Please wear deodorant to class. And many people are sensitive to scents, so please avoid perfume. Also be courteous and mindful of the flooring. Street shoes should be taken off before stepping onto dance flooring.
No food or chewing gum.
Please no food or chewing gum in class.
No Drama.
We are here to learn dance, one that is welcoming and safe for everyone to do without competition. Please check your drama at the door and do not bring it into class. Our instructors will not tolerate gossip, back talking, or drama.
Keep it clean!
No food or gum on the dance floor. A water bottle is fine. As a general rule, if you brought it in, take it out. Keep your mouth clean as well and don't swear.
Use common sense.
There is no way to list every etiquette rule for every situation. Being respectful of the other students, the teacher, and being a hard worker will cover many of the bases.
Have FUN!
Ultimately, this is YOUR class too, and you should be having a good time. Every teacher feels good when their students leave the room happy, so enjoy the process. Dance is an enriching experience, so be proud of your hard work, celebrate your accomplishments, and keep your eye on the continuing journey ahead.
I have read and understand these expectations.