Hip Motions - November 2021
“November is the month to remind us to be thankful for the many positive things happening in our life.”
Greetings and Salutations!
There’s always a lot going on in November. For one thing, it’s a pivotal month between the hoopla of Halloween and the craziness of Christmas. November also houses Dia de los Muertos, Diwali & Veterans Day among many others. But of course, November also features its very own heavyweight holiday, Thanksgiving.
In the United States, there’s also the small matter of Election Day, set by law as the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. That’s one date every American should keep in mind.
November is also the month when the leaves come off the trees and the weather starts to get nippy in many places. Fall is in full effect, even here in sunny Florida! We have had a fabulous year, November starts to mark the finality of the year and with that we give thanks! Follow us on all of our social media outlets for November Thanks and December Year in Reviews. Looking forward to 2022 and cant wait to dance with YOU!
Yallah Habibis,
-Hip Motions
Hip Motions Upcoming Events
Nov 8 & 9
Fabulous Finger Cymbals
Want to make your Belly Dance more fabulous? Add finger cymbals!
Hip Motions Supplemental Classes are designed to help you develop and enhance your skills as a beautiful belly dancer. Students will learn everything necessary to start using finger cymbals (zills) from multiple finger cymbal patterns, drilling techniques, and adding them with belly dance movements and combinations. Whether you are new to finger cymbals or have been playing for years, this class is for you!
Come Dance with US!
Dec 2nd
Belly Dance Mezza at Flames
Join us on the first Thursday of every month for Belly Dance Lessons, Food and drink specials! Bring your girlfriends, get a taste of the Mediterranean and start the weekend off with a shimmy! Our next event is Dec 2nd at Flames Mediterranean Grille!
Dec 2021
Hip Motions 2021 Year in Review!
What a fun, exciting, and fulfilling year 2021 has been. Share with us as we look back at 2021 and share all of the amazing things this year. We would love to hear about some of your favorite events as well. Check out all of our social media outlets in December.
Nov 15
Hip Motions Gives Thanks!
Shukran (Thank You)! We are so thankful for all of the people that supported us this year and have dedicated time to the beautiful world of Belly Dance! 2021, like 2020, was still and odd year and through this tumultuous year we had many successes because of YOU!
Follow us on our different social media outlets for 2 weeks of Thanks.
We look forward to many years in the magical world of Belly Dance together.
Dec 13
FREE Belly Dance Class by Hip Motions
Want to try Belly Dance with no obligation? Wondering what all the hype is about? This class is perfect for you if you are a complete beginner and have never belly dance before. If you are ashamed of trying out a belly dance class for the first time, or if you are shy, or if you never have the time, this class will help you take your first steps. Learn what Belly Dance really is, its various roots, the benefits of it for the modern woman, and a few Belly Dance moves to show your friends. Come in holiday themed wear for a contest and a chance to win something! Come see what makes the desert really sizzle!
Register by Calling the Eau Gallie Civic Center at (321) 608-7400
Jan 2022
We have some amazing things coming for 2022. Lots of planning going into the remainder of 2021 to prepare for 2022. Here are some little teasers:
2022 semester style belly dance classes
February Hafla (in person Performance Show)
Vanessa will be back in 2022
What else would you like to see from us?
Got ideas or input? E-Mail us know we would love you hear from you!
Nov 27
American Belly Dance Club - Fall Show
The American Belly Dance Club is hosting their Fall show, this year online!
See Hip Motions Discovery Dance Team perform along with amazing other entertainers in this online event!
Dec 18
Joyeux Noel II - The Covenant
This December Chantrea will be hosting once again a Christmas show on December 18 2021 via YouTube, this time with a twist… belly dancers, poets, singers and actors joining forces to bring you the magic of the holidays to your home. Join us in Joyeux Noel II- THE COVENANT
See Hip Motions Discovery Dance Team perform along with amazing other entertainers in this free YouTube online event!
Hip Motions Highlights
October Belly Dance Mezza at Flames featuring Heather

Join us on the first Thursday of every month for Belly Dance Lessons, Food and drink specials! Bring your girlfriends, get a taste of the Mediterranean and start the weekend off with a shimmy! Our event in November was a blast! Thank you Heather!
Hip Motions Video Shoot

Hip Motions is producing a video to be published in 2022. We had a blast shooting locally here on the Space Coast and on the beach. It was a chili day but we made the best of it. Special thanks to all of the dancers near and far who came out to help make this happen! Keep posted in 2022 for the finished product!
Hip Motions at Festival on the Nile
We were so happy to get back to dance festivals in person at Festival on the Nile! It is one of our most favorite events in Florida. This year hosted Gina Nolan and Gina Newman as well as live Lebanese musicians from south Florida. Such amazing talent!
Check out some of our photos and videos coming soon!
Student Highlights
We absolutely appreciate our belly dance academy students at Hip Motions! Everyone is unique and interesting with such various backgrounds and walks of life. We hope you enjoy learning more about our students like we have!
Hip Motions Student Highlight - Heidi!
Heidi is an enthusiastic Student of Hip Motions Belly Dance Academy. She is from St. Louis Missouri and moved to Viera, Florida 7 years ago. By day she is a registered nurse at Health First Cancer Institute. Heidi has been belly dancing since college on and off and has done all kinds of other dance. She has been riding horses and fox hunted for many years and was a commercial designer and an artist. Heidi has traveled to all 50 states except for a couple and been to all the continents except for Antarctica. She plans to retire here in Florida and never stop traveling or dancing.
Want to be the next Hip Motions Student Highlight? Let your instructor know in class or email us.
copyright - Copyright © 2016 – current year: Hip Motions, LLC. All Rights Reserved